26 August 2017

Bye Bye Bourbon And Bras!

You may or may not know, but Bourbon and Bras is actually about six years old by now. 

Did I mention bloopers? I got bloopers.

I know, SIX?! Set up in 2011, I initially used it to document what was going on in my life whilst I was at university studying fashion design. I had an unhealthy interest in lingerie and was planning on being a lingerie designer/maker once I finished university. 

Of course, I never finished university and my dreams of making lingerie for a living died once I realised I couldn't make a bra. So Bourbon and Bras became my sewing blog, and later sewing, style and the odd bit of lifestyle and travel posts.

But to be honest with you? I haven't felt like Bourbon and Bras was a good fit for me and the blog for a long time. I've been toying with the idea of renaming my blog for roughly three years, but either I couldn't decide on a name or it was the wrong time or any number of excuses.

So I took a plunge, bought myself a domain and spent the last few months manually migrating EVERY. BLOODY. POST. to Wordpress. Which means I'm moving on up in the world... or at least to my new site;

Not much will change, other than you'll stop seeing posts under Bourbon and Bras, and instead will see them on MelodyMae.co.uk! I'll still be rather crap at updating regularly, I'll still swear through posts and I'll still try and create interesting content you might like.

So, my darlings, thank you for following me on this blog journey so far, and I really hope you'll follow me over at MelodyMae.co.uk for more ridiculousness. Remember you can follow the new blog on Bloglovin, see my daily antics on Instagram and check what I'm into on Pinterest. There's the Facebook too, of course! And head over to the new blog to say hi!

Goodbye Bourbon and Bras, it's been swell! xxx

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